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Real Time HVAC Monitoring

What is Real-Time Wireless HVAC Monitoring?
MIT provides a cost efficient ways by integrating HVAC monitoring and created an uninterrupted and continuous monitoring for your needs. MIT's proprietary M.I.R.T system and web based platform which we called it Monitoring In Real Time system provides a solutions to lower manpower cost for monitoring Air Movement / Differential Pressure from manufacturing plants, pharmaceutical, hosiptals & commerical buildings to meets with the regulatory requirement for HVAC requirements & Standards.
The Wireless Real-Time HVAC Monitoring System consists of Air Velocity & Pressure Sensor to measure the Thermal Confort Level to meets with most standards and requirements. Using 3G / 4G high speed cellular modem to transmit "LIVE" velocity or pressure readings to our cloud server and using dedicated software for remote control & further detailed analysis.
Lastly, using AC powered to ensure the system operation integrity for uninterrupted and continuous throughout your projects requirement. On-site troubleshooting for the system during breakdown will also be available to minimize and reduce the "break-down time" will be available too.
How Pressure Method is used to measure Air Movement?
When air gets distributed by fans or blowers that add motion and pressure to the air by either a screw propeller or paddle wheel action. The wind produced from the fan blades causes the air to accelerate, creating a force in its direction of motion called Velocity Pressure. Static is the amount of resistance produced when air is moved through the duct. The higher the static pressure or resistance, the more energy it takes to move air through the duct. When static pressure is high, air velocity is usually low. A pitot tube can determine the volume of air being delivered to a conditioned space by inserting a slender, hollow tube that has two holes on it into the air stream through a small hole in the duct. As air floods into the end of the tube it creates pressure. By comparing the pressure inside the tube with the natural pressure of the air around the tube (the static pressure), you get an accurate measure of the air speed. The pitot static tube is a combination of a pitot tube for measuring total pressure and a static tube for measuring static pressure in the flow, allowing the velocity to be determined at the point of measurement
How Hot-wire Method is used to measure Air Movement?
Hot wire anemometers measure wind speed based on the rate of heat loss to air flowing by a sensor using a very fine wire (micrometers) that has a measurement range spanning from 0 to 10,000 fpm. The wire is electrically heated up to some temperature above the ambient temperature by passing a current through an electrical resistance. The energy is then converted to heat. Air flowing past the wire has a cooling effect on the wire. As the electrical resistance of most metals is dependent upon the temperature of the metal, a relationship can be obtained between the resistance of the wire and the flow speed.
What are the common Applications for Air Movement?
Hospitals (Differential Pressure)
Pharmaceutical / Manufacturing (Differential Pressure)
Facility Management (Air Movement)
Schools (Air Movement)
Laboratories (Air Movement)
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