Smart Series Measuring Instruments by REED INSTRUMENTS

Be updated with noise level readings any time, anywhere with our one-stop noise monitoring system! Simply log in to our dedicated noise reporting website and receive readings that are consistently updated at quick 5 minute intervals, 24/7. Wireless modem, powerful 4G data Provides detailed analysis, including LEQ5min, LEQ1H, LEQ12H, DOSE%, and predicative LEQ5max SMS and email notifications to alert you of exceeding noise limits Generation of comprehensive noise report for print

Confined spaces are not limited to any one industry and can be extremely dangerous for workers. This is because confined spaces are subject to depletion of oxygen (O2) and build-up of toxic levels of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and explosive levels of methane, due to microbial action, particularly when the space is wet. Confined spaces include ship holds, aircraft wing tanks, sewers and pipelines, storage tanks, excavation pits or any building space without adequate ventilation.

Smart Series Measuring Instruments by REED INSTRUMENTS